
Hello 2018! May we find peace and solidarity in our community this year!

I am not really one for New Year's resolutions. Today is no different than any other day, other than it is a new day and new year. I do have plans and goals for 2018, all the ones not accomplished in 2017. I believe we, as a District and community, need to be more vigilant in protecting and preserving what we can of the Acreage and surrounding areas. The cost is too great to not! I hear members of our community say that all the development is progress while others feel their lifestyles are being destroyed. We have to find a way to protect the very reasons we moved to our community. Whether it be the more rural lifestyle, equestrian community, agricultural community or oversized lot. I think we can live side by side and find a happy median, as long as we work at it. It is worth protecting. Having both side by side does not affect your home values asĀ  some would like you to believe. Quality of life is what should be important to us all, especially those who want to remain living here. With that said, my role as your elected representative at Indian Trail Improvement District is to ensure that our tax dollars are being spent wisely and that the services you expect and we are required to provide, are being provided. My hope is that the Board of Supervisors remains focused on our roles and responsibilities this year. That we will actively engage in influencing whenever and wherever to protect and preserve what we can, in our capacity. I welcome in the new year and I wish each and every one of you peace, health and happiness in 2018. Happy New Year! I remain yours in service, Betty Argue
