Betty Argue 0 Comment

Palm Beach County Days in Tallahassee, Day 2

I am sorry for the delay in writing this. Day 2 of Palm Beach County days was January 10th. It was a packed day of meetings (10 to be
Betty Argue 0 Comment

ALA hosting community event for residents, businesses and non-profits

The Acreage Landowners Association (ALA) is hosting a FREE community event for all residents, all businesses (large, small and home based) and all non profits. This event will be
Jan 02
Betty Argue 0 Comment

Hello 2018! May we find peace and solidarity in our community this year!

I am not really one for New Yearโ€™s resolutions. Today is no different than any other day, other than it is a new day and new year. I do
Betty Argue 0 Comment

SR7 Administrative Order

Administrative Judge orders in favor of County and FDOT for SFWMD permitting SR7 extension. Next steps: 1. There will be 15 days for parties to file exceptions to the
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