Betty Argue 0 Comment

HOA to hold vote of Santa Rosa Groves landowners before Indian Trail Can Help Santa Rosa

The HOA Board has agreed to hold a vote of the landowners of whether to activate as an ITID unit. If there 50%+1 of the landowners who agree, they
Betty Argue 0 Comment

Santa Rosa Groves Residents Favor Indian Trail Activation

“The board agreed to begin discussion of the activation of Santa Rosa Groves at ITID’s next regular meeting on Aug. 22.”
Betty Argue 0 Comment

Memorial and Community Garden Dedication for Gary Dunkley

Snippet “By Ron Bukley-August 10, 2018 “ITID President Betty Argue welcomed a room full of Dunkley’s family, community members and elected officials from state and local municipalities. She thanked
Betty Argue 0 Comment

60th Street North ROW Widening between 140th and 120th

I want to give a thank you to Mayor McKinlay and the Palm Beach County Commissioners for listening to the residents along 60th and ITID and unanimously voting not
Betty Argue 0 Comment

ALA gets update

"ITID residents need to be involved in the design of 60th, especially the residents along 60th who are going to be most directly impacted. Even the 3 lane road
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